Friday, July 27, 2012

Welcome Back: to me!

This country girl has gotten to move back into the country!  We currently have an old farm house, 6 kids, 3 calves, 24 Chickens and a hand full of Kittens! More photos of that later.
 We are truly blessed and see God working in many areas of our lives.  I just got a call from Justin who is out in Indiana for grad school and he stated that his professors had just prayed that our house would sell.  All of that was going on while I was persistently trying to get a hold of him to tell him that we have an offer on our house.  OH LORD HOW YOU MOVE!
I have been thinking for a while that I need to add blogging into my routine.  More for myself than for all of you who read this :)
One funny item for the day:  Child #4 was having a difficult morning.  She was particularly struggling with listening.  So, I grabbed (ever so gently) her ear and asked her what this is.  She responds, "an ear."  I then say and what do we use it for?  #4 "Earrings".  Well, that defused the situation very quickly.  I was looking for the answer of listening, but she does have a point!

God Bless