Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Good~The Bad~The BETTER

We have been on the ground for one month now.  It’s about time that we share the truth about our adventure so far.  We live in a relatively small apartment with kids stacked in corners and clothes and dishes everywhere . . . not much different than Iowa J.  I know we could have very different house. . . be thankful for all that we do have.

We have fields of corn and beans as we drive down our “gravel” road . . . not much different than Iowa.  

We get from place to place with 15 passenger vans. . Not so different from Iowa! 

We have amazing sun rises out of our window to the East. . . Not much different than the sunsets in our west window in Iowa J. 

I get to work as a nurse alongside an amazing team of professionals . . . not much different than Iowa (I miss all of you at Promise!).  Justin and I are in the trenches with a different youth group here each week with a crazy schedule . . . not much different than Iowa J.  Parenting in Guatemala is absolutely no different than parenting in Iowa !!!!! 

Now that we have all of similarities out of the way let’s talk about the real differences.  The landscape here is absolutely breath taking, if I need a reality check I just look out and see the scenery and know that God is the great I AM!  However, sometimes I may be a bit home sick for family and friends, especially at night. It is then that I look up and see the moon, oh so bright.  I remember that those we love are also under the same moon each night.  There are times that we question our willingness to jump into ministry in Guatemala at Paradise Bound, but we received a gift that says it all!

We pray that you are able to believe that you are where GOD ment you to be!

One thing that is very different is that we get to present the gospel almost daily and see entire families and villages come to know Jesus as there Savior.

 The relationship with Jesus is one that I get to evaluate daily.  Daily I get to wake up and decide if I'm going to work along side Jesus today in a personal relationship or if I am going to deny HIM.  My prayer daily is that I will be able to be His servant and that He will teach me what to say!  That prayer can go beyond national boarders!  I pray that at the end of the day I have glorified Him and Him alone.  