Friday, July 2, 2010

A WOW Night!

We said goodbye to Team Maurice today.  Boy, did that week go by fast.  It was fun to see the group here.  Many memories were made, but more over, many changed lives occurred-Guatemalan AND American!  God was faithful and really impacted the group on the last night.  We got to the airport at 5:30am this morning and then ran errands and even did some dreaming for landscaping (Vicki was jealous of the selections of tropical plants AND the incredibly cheap prices).  I have a feeling the next time you come here, there will be some more color around the base.  I, Justin then proceeded to head back into Guate City to pick up Erin Van Oort, the new staffer at PBM.  It was fun connecting on the way home as she went to college with some former youth group members from California! 
   We are busy this weekend getting things ready for the next team, which comes in on Friday.  The family will be heading into Guatemala City with the Smiths for 2 days to create some wonderful memories and recharge before the last 3 teams come in.  It is hard to believe that the summer is half over already.  It has gone by fast and has been amazing....yet we are feeling it and are looking forward to a breather next week. 
   Back to Team Maurice.  There are and were MANY amazing stories to share.....PLEASE chat with them and hear it from their lips of the greatness of what God did in and through them!  I have a feeling that the next Maurice Team will have some of these faces in it!  Thank you for your prayers, they are needed and felt. 


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fried Chicken and Tostadas and changed lives!

Team Iowa has been a blessing this week.  This is the first week this summer where the team has started with the medical clinics and then ended with the house building.  Yesterday was stucco and awning day, with today being the roof and painting day....for the morning anyway.  We then preceded to dedicate the homes in the afternoon.  This precious moment is one full of power and amazement as the team circles the home, and the group that built it, enters with the family, Dan, and Pastor Hermano Jesus.  I will stop there with the explaining and allow you to contact a person who is on Team Iowa to find out more!  Just know that many families are now written in the Book of Life. 
    It has been unique for me, Justin, to be engaged in this team.  They are of "our youth group", yet after working as the sidekick to Dan these past few weeks, I found myself needing to shift gears at times.  It has been really fun though, to see and experience the growth in and among the group!  Today was also Dan's birthday.  Once in a while the families that are receiving the homes cook a special meal for Dan and his staff (this summer includes me!)  So, not only were tostadas on the menu today, but chicken as well. 
    This day has been a good one.  Devos tonight proved that God not only changed the lives of five families for eternity, but the hearts of the students and adults on this trip have been moved greatly.  While singing the song Mighty to Save the phrase, He can move the mountains is blasted out.  It hit me, I literally believe that Mountains can move in and through the name of Christ, BUT He can move the biggest mountain of all...the wall of stone around our hearts!  Praise God.  One other thought that I have not been able to shake is a new name for God.  Well, new to me anyway.  YOU ARE!  The LORD himself says He is called, I AM, and with me agreeing with that name, I reply with all of my heart, YOU ARE.  May you, go tonight, this day, or whenever you are reading this, knowing full well, that HE is, was, and is to come.  Speak directly to the Creator of all and delcare to Him: YOU ARE...amazing, mighty, wonderful, the healer, the sustainer, the ONE, the.........

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Better late than never!

I know that I promised you this post2 nights ago, but in my defense, the internet was down and Devotions last night were amazing.  I also value sleep a whole lot and decided you could all wait till tonight. 
I, Vicki, was able to go to the medical clinic on Sunday night.  Again I simply float in between the two lines of patients and answer questions as needed.  There were lots of patients that were very sick with parasites and amoebas that are all stemming back to the Tropical Storm ~ Agatha.
  At one point there was a young mom holding her baby waiting to have her medications explained to her.  I was prompted to take the little one and hold him for a few minutes.  While I was holding this 20 day baby with no name yet, I started to undress the many layers of clothing.  As a mom I never get tired of counting babies fingers.  When I counted I noticed that this little one had an extra skin tag attached to his pinkie fingers.  I then spoke up and told Dan about it.  A few moments later myself and Shelia DeJong had removed each skin tag and the mom was beaming from ear to ear.  As I reflect on this instance I realized that God prompted me to take this little one in my arms and to find this small blemish.  The mother had not asked about the extra appendage, I assume out of shame.  How often out of shame do I not ask God the almighty power about my small blemish.  He could fix it really simply just like Shelia and I fixed this 20 day old baby.  A GOD MOMENT.

I also met an 8 year old boy with cleft lip and palate.  I have to share a photos but it is shocking.  Pray for this family to call Dan and receive the treatment that he needs.
This evening was intense with the devil at work in many many avenues.  Yet the Lord prevailed and we were stretched during the Jesus Film, testimony time and singing.  A harvest was reaped in the Lords name.  This harvest included a 79 year old women that has stomach ulcers and possibly stomach cancer.  With the weakness and emptiness that we saw in her eyes, she could die in days or weeks.  Yet, she gave her life to Christ at this clinic and we can rest in peace knowing that she knows our Almighty Savior. Although many souls were harvested a question arose; Did we go to this village only for this 79 year old eternal soul?  I will only find out when I meet my Lord in Heaven. 
the Lord provided safety on the roads and we reached the base as a team.  This team will never be exactly the same as we met our Eternal Lord and Savior on this night.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Well, MRC is here and we are totally enjoying ourselves.  It has been unique to watch Justin switch back into Youth Pastor mode as he feels responsible 'for his kids'.  We are enjoying the familier faces and smiles.  Saturday evening Justin went to the medical clinic and on Sunday evening I, Vicki, went.  I have a few pictures to sort through, then I will post about last night.  Once again, my nursing skills were put to the test!  Check back before you go to bed and hopefully I will have an update.