Friday, March 27, 2015

It only takes a Spark....

photo from the stage at the Cobán night

What does passion look like?  Have you ever wondered such a question?  I mean, we all have either experienced a time or cause that we were passionate.  We even have witnessed others who we would describe as being passionate.  Yet, when it comes to sharing in detail with someone else what it truly looks like, the definitions can be rather tricky to share.

I love it when others can be consumed with passion.  Passion for the Lord is truly the greatest level of passion there is. Last week I was able to witness the FIRST of many times with passion being made alive.

Back in November, our home church wanted to give to PBM and meet some various small tangible tasks.  One of those tasks was to purchase study Bibles for some of the pastors that are either under our care or work very closely with the ministry. 

After our massive Cobán medical clinic/outreach we wanted to say thank you to two of the pastors that went with us to help in the clinic and with the language (many of the locals spoke Ka-che and not Spanish).  After surrendering four days away from family and other ministry duties in their home villages, we found the perfect opportunity to give the first Bibles out.

Miguel from San Rafel and Emigdio from Iztapa are dear friends.  They received their very first Study Bible.  These pictures were taken literally three minutes after they received them.  A week and half later, Emigdio is almost done….with the BIBLE!  A small spark of kindness will ignite a fire of passion.  Let the enemy tremble from the passion for and of Christ! 

As for the Cobán medical clinic?  1,400 people gathered to watch the Jesus film and listen to the Living word  of the Lord…….

Only a handful (about 70) people came forward…..but we truly sensed a great need.  Time.  Discipleship and outreach take time.  We will be back.  There is a hunger and there is a need in that place.  We were able to create space so that the Holy Spirit truly was stirring in the hearts of those that were there. 

Miguel from San Rafel

Emigdio from Iztapa

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Yep, we are still here....

So we realize that it has been a little while since we last posted something.  A lot has been going on.

We finished up the last of the Winter teams
       We did the first ever Coban medical clinic with a team (6 hours away!)
           We witnessed a new church being built
              We.....simple are........are.

We are just being.  We have walked through the flu with some of the kids, we have started the clean up process here, we are in full swing of the MASSIVE fundraiser/awareness event on April 9 in Sioux Center, and we are trying not to live too much into the future of the summer teams and Timothy Leadership.

As we have been living and learning here in Guatemala, we have been also listening a lot.  A lot to the language of what is spoken and what is not spoken.

I have known too many people who have entered into a ministry with very good intentions of bringing a new style and new ideas, but failed to see what and why for the reason some things are done.  Needless to say, it is impossible to change the DNA of a ministry without compromising it.

I do not think that we are trying to change the DNA of this place.  THAT fact has helped us this past year.  We desire to study and learn and then help propel.  By asking questions AND listening to the answers, one can get a real accurate picture of where the current temperature is at.

This journey so far has brought many insightful things to my heart, mind, and soul.  As we live in the mountains of Guatemala, we long to be closer to the One who made it.  We have seen that we NEED Jesus....not just want Him, but NEED Him.

Do you NEED Jesus?  Honestly take a moment and look at your life, your day to day activities and decisions and you need Jesus?  Until your life gets to the point that you can say that you need will always be missing out on the full measure of His Spirit.  This is something that I have learned between the place where the coconut and banana trees grow.