Thursday, July 17, 2014

Laundry and Vaccines

Leslie, one of PBM’s nurses, has a wash machine at her house.  Big deal right?  No, that is a big deal; wash is done on a rock or in a pila by hand!  But, the machine the bought is all written in English not Spanish so the family has not been using the machine out of fear of breaking it.  I got to go to her house and help ‘train’ the family how to use the wash machine.  As we were driving I thought, what am I doing, I am no laundry expert.  Although I feel like all I do is laundry . . . laundry . . . laundry.  So I said a quick mindless prayer that I would be able to help these people with their machine and that my Spanish or lack there of would be sufficient.  We parked our big vehicle through a very narrow entrance and walked the rest of the way to Leslies’ house.  In a beautiful courtyard sat a white wash machine, wait for it . . . that is identical to the one I use in the states.  Seriously, exactly the same!  God, your sense of humor continues to stop me in my tracts and make me smile.  Leslie and I were able to put my broken Spanish into instructions so that the family can use their high capacity Bravo wash machine. 

How often do our modern day convinces distract us from our Heavenly Father or in this case point us right back to Him?

Oswald Chambers writes, “Never be surprised at what God does, but be so taken up with HIM that HE may continue to do surprising things through you!”

On to the next story~

As many of you know we have a set of twins that are 5 years old and full of life.  Well, I needed to draw on my experiences from 5 years ago when they were infants.  Yohanna, another PBM nurse, and two nannies brought 7 yep 7 babies to have some blood work done and vaccines completed.  As I sat in the lab with 2 babies helping one hold still and one on my lap waiting, I thought back to my time taking Miya and Kira for their first vaccines.  I was so overwhelmed helping two little ones at the same time, yet today this was old hat.  I can juggle two babies with the best of them!  God your provision with 5 years of ‘training’ doesn’t go without notice!

The kids at Open Doors!  we are falling in love with each child of GOD!
As a side note, while carrying two babies to get their vaccines at Centro de Salud, I was definitely attracting some attention.  A tall white skinned red head with two babies in tow is something a bit uncommon.  I am use to being looked at and typical the looks don’t stop me because I am numb to the stares.  BUT, today the looks were different.  I felt that I was being stared down and accused of stealing their babies.  I thought about that feeling for a while and then dismissed the accusations cause I am correct in my motives.  How many times have I stopped what I’m doing in the past because of others reactions? 

Today I’m going to focus on HIM and not worry what others think.  I’m going to follow HIS Leading and try to be successful at positive thinking!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A new house . . . or two.

For the past couple of days Justin and Heidi have been building play houses for the younger kids. They are all excited to play in the play house. There are two houses, one is already outside and the other one is still inside almost done.
Today Justin is going to pick up the team. We would appreciate your prays for the team that started building in a new village today!