Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just two days away....

Wow, the last few days have been busy.  Stressed?  No, not really, just busy.  Vicki has been packing the bags for the cherubs and we have been trying to tie up loose ends here at home, and with the ministry at church.  It is hard to believe that after a journey of almost two years exactly, we are on the eve of leaving.  People ask us if we are nervous or scared.  Really, we are unsure of what exactly the summer will look like.  We just know that we are needed and that there is need.  We have been praying for our kids and ourselves to be used in any and all ways this summer.  We do appreciate the prayers and the support.  It had been a blessing.  Well, on to tying up more loose ends before we shove off.  We will try our best to send notice when we get there, but it might take a day or two before the BLOG is up and functioning.  We will do our best to have you come along with us on this journey via notes, pictures, thoughts, and prayers.  Glory to God Forever....  HE > US

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