This week our dear Miya has figured out how to undress herself. you are thinking good for her, except that undressing includes her diaper. On more than one occassion we have found Miya buck naked in her crib with the sheets needing to be changed. Well, Miya will keep me on my toes and always trying to stay one step ahead of her.
On Friday Justin and I had the opportunity to go to our kids school and share about our experience in Guatemala. It was very well received and I think many students and teachers were blessed by the experiences that we shared. Continue to pray for those in Guatemala that they may seek the Lords will for their lives.
We continue to prepare for winter here. I am working outside today trying to get the flower beds in order. I always love the blooming flowers but I hate clean up in the fall. I guess that can extend past the flower beds and I could make a blanket statement . . . I hate clean up anywhere . . .but i guess someone has to do it!
I gotta go the girls are awake and I need to get back outside
God Bless