Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The past few days I’ve been looking for direction and an answer.  With that answer will come direction.  BUT, I keep looking for an email or call on the phone, yet I know that the answer can only come for my HEAVENLY FATHER.  Why do I keep reverting to fulfillment from this earth?  Why can I not find my identity in CHRIST alone, the Great I AM?  I am struggling with my inability to answer my kids’ questions of why?  I am wondering why I am task oriented and teeter between wanting to be fun and super mom with my kids, yet I want to finish my project first.  My heart is stuck between this world and the world my FATHER has designed for me to live in. 
I typically like to keep my feelings tucked inside, yet,  this time I need your help to pray this family into peace and joy.  We need to have calm spirits filled with joy and direction.  My Heavenly Father will give the answer and direction I am assured of that.  I just need to rest in HIS arms and wait upon the Lord!


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our place this past week...

So this past week, the kiddos started school.  This adventure has been one that both Vicki and I have been saying, “okay Lord, this is in your hands” as this is new territory for us (homeschooling).  So what did we do?  Well, each kid has their own desk with their name on it; they have been jumping into reading, language arts, math, science, and Bible.  We took two field trips (on the first two days of school!); and having a blast!

 FIELD TRIPS:  First day we went on a hike on a mountainside to the Pump House One to change the oil in the pump.  This fresh water spring, which has been dammed up to allow a collection of water to exist so we can get water at the base is tucked into the mountain side and proved to be a beautiful hike!

The second day found our little tribe heading to Iximche, one of the Mayan Ruins in this beautiful country.  God truly blessed us with GOREGOUS weather, an easy route to the place, AND an English speaking guide so we could get a more deep and rich tour experience. 

The kiddos are enjoying school so far, but dearly miss their classmates.  Vicki has done a wonderful job of getting things started, but is looking forward to some extra assistance with the formation of this.

Me?  Well, this Wednesday I leave with four other pastors for Coban, Guatemala until Saturday to meet with some other pastors in the discipleship program. This flight leaves early Wednesday morning and the drive back is about 6 hours.  For these four days, Vicki will be a single mom, I will not be able to speak any English, and both are ready for why God has placed this experience on our plates.

This past month I have been able to witness a new Church dedication, have a meeting with pastors about joining forces (a 12 year prayer finally answered), and continue to build relationships and infrastructures here within the ministry.  A lot of cleaning has been taken place…..little nooks and crannies and ministry approaches.

This place away has led me to really focus on one word: place.  What is a place?  Do we really think about place?  When people ask about where we are, the easy thing is to say is Guatemala….yet what does that entail? It does not mention about our place on the staff.  It does not mention our place with our family.  It does not say anything about how and where we are living.  It does not touch the daily routine of life in another country.  Can’t drink the tap water and we only have 3 hours of battery power for the base before the lights go dark and we need to fire up the generator.  It does not tell any of the stories that have been shared in the kitchen among friends….stories all spoken in broken Spanish.  Guatemala.  It tells someone one location on this earth.  It does not address anything about what it is doing for our souls and the connection to our Creator for an eternal presence. 
What is your place in this life?  What is your place in the Kingdom of the Lord God?  Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven…..
Eternity starts now, NOT when we pass on into the next life.  Our place is in the center of God’s Will.  His Will does not commit us to one location, but to one place….in His hands. May you find yourself today saying, “okay Lord, this is in your hands”.   There is no better place to be.

Dios te bendiga,
Gathering of Pastors in La Bendecion

12 years of prayer led to this meeting!

Mission Base in La Bendecion

In San Rafael for church dedication!!!!

new pastor friends

Caleb by Pump House One on first day of school: Field Trip # 1

Field Trip #1 hike

going for a hike?  Then we need a stick...

Caleb and Grandpa fixing Duke's dog house.....or horse house?  :)


Tour Guide at Iximche

Naomi taking pictures at Iximche (notice what camera she brought)

Iximche (field trip number 2!)  a VERY fun day...well worth the drive