So with the countdown to only 13 days left, we are finding ourselves preparing. Now, this preparation is coming in many forms. We are trying to get the siding finished on the house. We are also preparing other things at the house for our departure. This has been and is a little weird. I mean, we just got back from Indiana for my graduation and you know what, when you leave for the weekend, whatever you did not finish or left alone, is still there to greet you when you get back after three days.
It is a little different when you are leaving for 5 months and know that some things cannot be left undone. Well, it is a team effort, or shall we say tribe effort to get all things in place. How do we do this you might ask? We take a hold of the time given us to tackle BIG and small tasks....and have all the kids help with this as well.
Some people want their kids to stay out of the cupboards, this family right now is encouraging their kids to jump in!
In the mean time, we prepare our homes, our hearts, and our heads for what God has before us....