Saturday, May 10, 2014

The final countdown...

Okay so maybe there are no paper chains and X's placed on the calendar, but we have been constantly thinking about all that we need to accomplish before we leave and truthfully know that the days are numbered.
  We are busy with wrapping up the end of the school year duties for the kiddos, getting the youth ministries baton ready to hand off, and trying to get our current residence ready for us to be gone.  Yes, we have always had projects going on and having a blast with them, but with us leaving we are looking  at what HAS to be done (can you say outside siding on the new bedroom? :) ).

We are still getting the constant questions of "so how long are you going to be gone?"  We answer with "10 months out of the year we plan to be in Guate."  They usually ask then, "well how many years?"  We say "do not know...could be one, or it could be more."  Yes, God could seriously be calling us down to Guatemala with our Tribe.  That might seem crazy to some, but then again, when we read the Bible....God has always been in the business of doing "crazy" things with people.

The kids have been asking some questions about "Home" as we are preparing to leave our home and gearing up for our place in Guatemala.  It has been said that Home is where the Heart is.  Our hearts are with each other and with our family.  As long as we are together as a Tribe, we are home.  Our shelters will change but our home will be constant.

We are still busy seeking after three types of people:  those who will PRAY.  Prayer will be our shields and arrows in the battle in the journey that lays before us.  I could share numerous stories of how prayer works.  Those stories will be shared here soon...

SUPPORT.  Not everyone is called to Go.  That would be silly.  All of us have different gifts and abilities.  God has gifted some to pray, and some to be able to SUPPORT financially those who are being sent.  You are the ones that allow others of go to the end of the road and then further to share Hope and Love with those who need it.

GO.  yes, some of you are called to go to Guatemala for a week on a mission trip.  Some of you are called to go elsewhere....maybe to another country, maybe across town to reconcile a relationship with someone else.  If you are sensing the call to go, give me a chat, I would love to hear more!

Until then, we say Dios Te Bendiga (God Bless You) and stay tuned for more adventures!
