Saturday, August 23, 2014

Promise me you won't Judge!

As I sit and type I initially hear uplifting music to refocus my soul.  But, in the background I hear little voices playing together.  Before, I tell you what they are playing you have to promise me not to judge my parenting.
 <<< PROMISE? > > > 
They are playing Zombies and Hunters.  It is a game they have created.  They have used their imagination to make a fort complete with curtains for the windows, girls after my own heart.  They have created the guns out of scrap wood, cut them out with a jigsaw, sanded, and painted these weapons.  They have even gotten out the paint and painted each teams faces with different color paint.  Can you go back to this time of imagination in your younger years?  Can you see it?  Can you feel the excitement?  I hope so. 
I hope you can also bring yourself back to that child like imagination of our HEAVENLY FATHER.  HE is so mysterious and grande to a child.  When did I lose that awe of my creator?  I need to remember that excitement and invite others to enjoy the wonder with me.
As one of the kids is a leader and is coordinating the play today, I think of our leading and coordinating.  God, you have divinely gifted each one in our family, whether its immediate, extended or church family.  Please allow me to see people as YOU see them.  May I remember to include them in my play and daily walk.


Ps~ we have had family here and truly enjoyed each moment.  That’s the cause of the radio silence :_)
PPS ~ I also have a non-functioning camera otherwise I would have blessed you with a photo of the kids playing.  I think the camera has gone on and needs to be replaced.