Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Twas the night before we left....Fuego

So here it is, our last night in Guatemala.  We made it to the hotel safely for a time of relaxing, refreshment, and reflecting.  The swimming, the talking, the eating all seem to be huge contrasts to where we have been at for the past 10 weeks.  We pray for safe travels tomorrow morning as we fly back home.  We will wake up at 3am to get to the airport and then try to get the 13 bags, 6 kids, and us through it all.

We ask for your continued prayers for traveling and we will look forward to posting more stories and pictures when we arrive back in the States.....


Fuego erupting


Fully loaded chicken bus

Fried Chicken at McDonals and Naomi go hand in hand

AJ's favorite

Grand Tikal Futura Hotel

One Tribe in one elevator....first ride in months

checking out the view....inside the hotel


the girls crashing a swim class in the pool!!!!!

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