So here it is, nearly the end of July. We have been blessed to walk with many of you this past year as we undertook the journey to Guatemala and back with our family.
Our hope is to continue this blog to share our hearts, our thoughts, and help ignite the fire. Much like a campfire, when the night is nearly over we have two choices: separate the coals and let the fire burn out.....or we can pouch the coals that once burned bright and deep, together and watch the fire begin anew.
Join us as we look to maintain the coals together and have the fire continue.
This past week AJ was able to experience Power Connection down in Kansas City. Yes, it is hard to believe that there is a junior higher in the Schrock tribe (actually two this fall!) She was blessed and encouraged to live her life close to Jesus. This was a challenge that she took and we rejoice with her and look forward to what the Lord will do next in her life.
As I am pondering what and where and when the Lord will lead me to the next step, I have been able to process the past year and to rest in His presence.
I share this link with you to allow the words and worship of this to soak in your soul.
How do you come to Jesus? Quickly? Desperately? Our of obligation? Or is it fueled with passion of a want and need for Jesus?
Dios te bendiga
Lord, We are willing to go anywhere at anytime to do anything WITH you!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
So here we are. Back in Iowa. The bags are unpacked (we just won't talk about the piles that still need to be dispersed). The kids have been having a blast reconnecting with family and friends.
The weather has been amazing. The laughs, the friends, the readjustments.
It is actually a weird thing. The house is the same (THANK YOU to the 49 people that came by just before we moved back to pull weeds, wash windows, and simply make home feel like home), yet things are different. More actually, we are different. The experiences of the past year have shaped and molded up. I would even suggest a refinement process. We purposely escaped for a few days when we arrived back in the states to process and chat with our kids. It has been fun walking with them about our time in Guatemala. All of them, especially the older three, said that they want to go back to Guatemala on a missions trip. It was great to walk with them the last week were we there, as they examined their feelings of leaving. It was great to see them fall in love with that country they way that Vicki and I have fallen in love with Guatemala.
It has been great to be back. It has also been great to see God at night. I forgot many things of Iowa: how the sunsets/sunrises look.....the way the wind blows over the fields.....the taste of bacon.....the hospitality. Sure there were/are things we will miss of Guatemala, but we are still convinced that this is the next step.
Vicki begins her position on the 20th and she is wrapped with excitement. I am still in the process of discernment for my position and can see that the kids are a little ancy about it. So, my prayer is that this step is revealed sooner than later.
Yet, in the mean time. We process. Each day is a gift that is filled with possibilities and I await what each one will look like. Our hearts are like sponges before the Lord right now. We are simply awaiting to soak His glory up. Our souls are continually stirred and desire to be on fire with the Lord. Sometimes, all it takes is a spark to get the fire going. Lord, was a year in Guatemala that spark?
What is your spark? How is the kindling of your soul looking like?
The weather has been amazing. The laughs, the friends, the readjustments.
It is actually a weird thing. The house is the same (THANK YOU to the 49 people that came by just before we moved back to pull weeds, wash windows, and simply make home feel like home), yet things are different. More actually, we are different. The experiences of the past year have shaped and molded up. I would even suggest a refinement process. We purposely escaped for a few days when we arrived back in the states to process and chat with our kids. It has been fun walking with them about our time in Guatemala. All of them, especially the older three, said that they want to go back to Guatemala on a missions trip. It was great to walk with them the last week were we there, as they examined their feelings of leaving. It was great to see them fall in love with that country they way that Vicki and I have fallen in love with Guatemala.
It has been great to be back. It has also been great to see God at night. I forgot many things of Iowa: how the sunsets/sunrises look.....the way the wind blows over the fields.....the taste of bacon.....the hospitality. Sure there were/are things we will miss of Guatemala, but we are still convinced that this is the next step.
Vicki begins her position on the 20th and she is wrapped with excitement. I am still in the process of discernment for my position and can see that the kids are a little ancy about it. So, my prayer is that this step is revealed sooner than later.
Yet, in the mean time. We process. Each day is a gift that is filled with possibilities and I await what each one will look like. Our hearts are like sponges before the Lord right now. We are simply awaiting to soak His glory up. Our souls are continually stirred and desire to be on fire with the Lord. Sometimes, all it takes is a spark to get the fire going. Lord, was a year in Guatemala that spark?
What is your spark? How is the kindling of your soul looking like?
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Twas the night before we left....Fuego
So here it is, our last night in Guatemala. We made it to the hotel safely for a time of relaxing, refreshment, and reflecting. The swimming, the talking, the eating all seem to be huge contrasts to where we have been at for the past 10 weeks. We pray for safe travels tomorrow morning as we fly back home. We will wake up at 3am to get to the airport and then try to get the 13 bags, 6 kids, and us through it all.
We ask for your continued prayers for traveling and we will look forward to posting more stories and pictures when we arrive back in the States.....
We ask for your continued prayers for traveling and we will look forward to posting more stories and pictures when we arrive back in the States.....
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Fuego erupting |
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Agua |
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Fully loaded chicken bus |
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Fried Chicken at McDonals and Naomi go hand in hand |
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AJ's favorite |
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Grand Tikal Futura Hotel |
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One Tribe in one elevator....first ride in months |
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checking out the view....inside the hotel |
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relaxing |
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the girls crashing a swim class in the pool!!!!! |
Monday, June 29, 2015
The BATTLE belongs to the Lord
2 Corinthians 10:2-12New International Version (NIV)
2 I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world. 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
So as we have been sharing with our Guatemalan friends that we are returning to the States to live, they have been giving us many questions. For many of them, they have never been to the USA. Their only knowledge is what they hear and read about the USA. They are trying to understand all of the news currently: and they are completely confused.
I must say, when I do get a chance to connect with social media (so refreshing that it has not been often!) I find myself scratching my head. Right now the chatter is confusing to me and saddening. I am not wanting to advocate for one camp or the other, YET that there is indeed a camp that we all belong too.
We are at war, this is no doubt. Yet, currently it seems that many are staking a claim in a side against other Americans. Conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, Christian, universalist, non-religous etc, etc. What if I were to tell you that our battle is not against flesh and blood of this world but of the spiritual realm instead?
The evil one, the devil and his demons, have tried to convince us for thousands of years that there is no war. Now it seems that the convincing is that there is a war, but against each other: MY side must win is what we carry.
How effective would the forces have been in WWII if all of the allies fought with each other instead of the axis? Not much. Distraction is one of the top battle strategies that the enemy will throw at us. While we are busy attacking each other, the enemy is busy making its next advancement.
Distractions. We fail to pay attention to this word. Many people come to Guatemala and have a great time and a close encounter with God. Then we they return to the US, that fire is slowly snuffed out. Social media, work, stress, expectations, people offering things, people jealous of what they heard happened, etc. It has never been nor will be simply Guatemala (or fill in the location of a mission trip of your calling!) that brings us close to is when we situate ourselves in the place away from distractions, let go of the things of this world that can easily cling too, and cling to the Lord. We must remain in the correct battle: the battle for our souls and the souls of the world. There is freedom in the Cross of Jesus Christ.
I often think that both camps that are fighting each other instead of the enemy will BOTH be surprised when they stand before the Thrown and see exactly how far each of them were from the heart of Christ. My desire is for myself, and my family, when we move back to fight against distractions and pursue the cause of Christ. How am I going to do that?
Well....for starters.....Love the Lord your God will all of your heart, soul, and mind. The second will be like the first, the love my neighbor as myself (Matthew 22).
What is on my heart and mind today....
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Processing and Packing
With just a few more days before our family moves back to the States to begin yet another adventure, we find ourselves filled with many aspects. Yes, we have begun the process of packing (we will not be done until the last minute), we have been fully engaged with this current team from Michigan that is here serving, and we find ourselves processes with our kids the journey that we have been and are on in Guatemala.
The last step has been an interesting one to walk because with our kids at different ages, it has been intriguing to see how this time in another country has impacted them. We also know that there will be elements of our time in Guatemala that will not manifest until later in life.
Our desire in this process, and complete time here, is to be faithful to God's leading and direction in our family's life.
Our call has been something rather fun to examine. A Call by God is something that I have had enjoyment in looking at over the past few years. Yet when a person is joined together, knitted together have you, we become more than just one....we become more. We become a family.
There are also two types of callings from the Lord. A Call to a task, and a life-long Calling. Our family has been walking through both of these.
I would say that our family's life-long calling is discipleship/mentoring and serving others and the call to a task this past year has been Guatemala.
Now, we find ourselves moving back to Iowa, to continue that same life-long calling but the task has now shifted. Oh Lord reveal that task to us and may we be faithful to YOUR call on our lives!
What is your Calling from God? Your life-long calling? Your current call to a task? May you seek after these answers AND seek after the One who Calls YOU!
The last step has been an interesting one to walk because with our kids at different ages, it has been intriguing to see how this time in another country has impacted them. We also know that there will be elements of our time in Guatemala that will not manifest until later in life.
Our desire in this process, and complete time here, is to be faithful to God's leading and direction in our family's life.
Our call has been something rather fun to examine. A Call by God is something that I have had enjoyment in looking at over the past few years. Yet when a person is joined together, knitted together have you, we become more than just one....we become more. We become a family.
There are also two types of callings from the Lord. A Call to a task, and a life-long Calling. Our family has been walking through both of these.
I would say that our family's life-long calling is discipleship/mentoring and serving others and the call to a task this past year has been Guatemala.
Now, we find ourselves moving back to Iowa, to continue that same life-long calling but the task has now shifted. Oh Lord reveal that task to us and may we be faithful to YOUR call on our lives!
What is your Calling from God? Your life-long calling? Your current call to a task? May you seek after these answers AND seek after the One who Calls YOU!
Saturday, June 20, 2015
This is what it feels like....
As the team sat in the small room listening to Hermano Jesus
speak with each family member and ask if they would like Jesus as their Lord
and Savior, it was Dulce Maria, the 10 year old, that brought the group to
tears. She she gazed her soft brown eyes
into this seasoned pastor, before she was able to get a word out, the tears
started to flow and then her head dropped into her hands and she began to
sob. This 10 year old then looked up and
said, “si” (yes)….yes I want Jesus…..followed quickly by….yes I NEED Jesus……
As I sat there with this team of youth from Michigan I
realized that this was a moment that would be etched in my memory for a long
time. Not so much for the great
friendships that developed with the team, but more for the specialness of the
moment. This was the book of Acts in
modern day life. We sat in this house
with Daniel and Gloria and their kids.
This family in the village of Tonajuyu had shown their hearts all week,
and it was time us to return the favor.
Our hearts were with Jesus and not for Jesus… me, there is a
As my
family prepares to move back to the states in eleven days, we are starting to
pack and to process. As much of a
confirmation as it was for our family to come to Guatemala, so is it a
confirmation to move back to the states.
Yet, questions remain in my heart and mind:
*Lord what deposits have you placed in my life and that of
my family while we lived in Guatemala for a year?
*What are our next steps?
*Why call us here to serve and live…..what are you preparing
for us?
*How is this experience going to impact not only my family
but our surroundings?
and many more……
I realize that some of these questions will not be answered
immediately. I fall back on a quote that
came to me when we began the journey of moving to Guatemala:
Understanding can wait, but obedience cannot…….This is a
part of a quote from Rick Warren.
I also remember a quote shared by a friend names Josh. When Josh went with his wife to India, he
stated…I am not called to India….I am called to Christ. Same goes with myself. I am not called to Guatemala…..although
Guatemala has been and will be a part of my calling, along with youth,
missions, mentoring, discipleship, etc.
I am called to Christ.
We are truly soaking up all of the experiences here in
Guatemala and realize that they are indeed preparations for many more
experiences in the USA. When Vicki
travels to remote villages for medical clinics and sees people dealing with
health issues that can be easily solved, except that these people lack the
resources to achieve health….
When I travel to remote villages with the Hermano Jesus and
Pablo to train and encourage the pastors from the Timothy Leadership I find
myself amazed at how God not only is bringing me to places where the Coconut
and Banana Trees Grow, but to a place where I am real. I have little (little Spanish, little in
common, little help?) but I have plenty (plenty of heart, plenty of passion,
and plenty of desire).
Thank you to all of you who have prayed with us this past
year and shared in our journey. We know
full well that our journey is far from done.
We are soaking up this week and the next and preparing for this massive
transition back. We (Vicki and I) have
planned a few days re-entry time with the kids.
We feel it will be ever so important to walk with them as they process
this journey as well. Why? Because we
ARE the Schrock Tribe!
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part of the OCCS group praying with a family to accept Christ |
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this view never gets old |
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a "flipside" photo |
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praying for the family of this house |
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Team Lifestream doing what matters most: praying |
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Day of Dedication |
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a picture of discipleship...can you see it? |
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Emilee and her gift of woven pine needles |
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Dan and his niece Meghan |
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beautiful |
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surrounding a house in prayer for 47 minutes! |
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Is that Caleb Baartman? I have to do a double take ALL week!!!! |
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great day with a great daughter! |
Saturday, June 13, 2015
From where I am sitting..
As I sit outside on my deck, I feel the crisp breeze and the
slight sound of the evening insects beginning to sing. The rumble of a storm off in the distance
reminds me that indeed this is the rainy season still.
The first team is out in La Benedicion tonight for the
second night of medical clinics. I am
home with the younger three kids, as the night would prove to be too difficult
for them. The day has been a good one of
catching up on reports, projects, fixing pony tails, and whatever comes our
This past week has been a good one for Team OCCS. The students have been amazing. It also has been so fun to see everyone (as
we have a few from Indiana and Michigan as well) interacting so well.
All four families at Tonajuyu declared “I want Christ in my
heart!”, the first medical clinic saw many come forward to cry out for the
Spirit, and tonight we see a return to a village that PBM has been to
before. Back in 2001 there was a medical
clinic there, in 2008 and 2009 there was a house build session, with teams
staying in the village as they built, and tonight we see us returning to
partner with the pastors that have been a part of the Timothy Leadership
Training. It is really amazing to stop
and think about all that God has and is doing this week.
Tomorrow night we see the group continue working on various
projects at the base and head into Antigua for some shopping and seeing the
sights. Then tomorrow night is the final
devotion time. This time is usually an impacting time for the team. It is an opportunity for each person to take
a serious look at his or her own lives.
Please pray for this time and for this team.
As I type, I look out and see a group of people gathered for
a funeral at the cemetery near the base.
As I ponder the full cycle of life and wonder what the story was/is with
the family involved, I cannot be help to notice the hill behind this
gathering. It is our hill that has only
3 trees on top. I am reminded of the
Story of the Three Trees.
Christ is all around us.
Hope is alive because He lives.
But as for me, I will always have hope.
We (the Schrock family) find ourselves down to 19 more days of living in
Guatemala. We know for a fact that it
will be a unique transition. Yes, it is
home. Yes it is an area we are familiar
with. Yes, to many things. Yet, in this yes remain a few unknowns. A few new adventures. A new job.
A new role. A new place. I often have said, once we were clear of our
calling back to Iowa, moving to Guatemala was a step of faith…but moving back to
Iowa in this newfound position will be a leap of faith.
We trust God for His fulfillment of our Calling in Him….for
a job, for ministry, for everything.
Yet, But as for me, I will always have Hope. Much like those three trees standing tall for
many hills to see, we will continue on in the journey of following Him.
Psalm 71
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Iximche |
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Naomi and Emilee and Justin with the Mechanic Team at Iximche |
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Guatemalan Pastors at PBM Isdrio, Emigdio, Darvin, Estuardo, Jesus, Rene, Miguel, Pablo |
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Happy Painter |
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A painting by one of the team members from NW Iowa....Schiebout original |
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Family accepting Christ for the first time! |
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family at a funeral and our Three Trees on the hill behind them |
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