Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Not sure but still sure

So here it is, nearly the end of July.  We have been blessed to walk with many of you this past year as we undertook the journey to Guatemala and back with our family.

Our hope is to continue this blog to share our hearts, our thoughts, and help ignite the fire.  Much like a campfire, when the night is nearly over we have two choices:  separate the coals and let the fire burn out.....or we can pouch the coals that once burned bright and deep, together and watch the fire begin anew.

Join us as we look to maintain the coals together and have the fire continue.

This past week AJ was able to experience Power Connection down in Kansas City.  Yes, it is hard to believe that there is a junior higher in the Schrock tribe (actually two this fall!)  She was blessed and encouraged to live her life close to Jesus.  This was a challenge that she took and we rejoice with her and look forward to what the Lord will do next in her life.

As I am pondering what and where and when the Lord will lead me to the next step, I have been able to process the past year and to rest in His presence.

I share this link with you to allow the words and worship of this to soak in your soul.


How do you come to Jesus?  Quickly?  Desperately?  Our of obligation?  Or is it fueled with passion of a want and need for Jesus?

Dios te bendiga

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
