Day 2 here brought us BETTER energy after a great night of sleep. We were exhausted yesterday. We jumped in and joined the team of 10 here that were working on the apartments and helped where we can. They are amazing (both apartments and team). We both chatted about how God has really grown this ministry as well as the staff and buildings. It has been fun. Vicki hung curtains and was a busy little bee, and I jumped in the electrical "team" (just Bob and me). We put sockets, changed 3 way switches, put covers on (harder than it sounds when the boxes do not line up and the screws are jjjuuusssstttt, that much shorter.
So, funny story. Today, AJ said that she wants to live in Guatemala forever....translation, she loved the beans, rice, and homemade tortillas and guacamole that we had for lunch. Top that with the pancakes for breakfast (Caleb was happy) and the lasagna for supper, the crew said that they are definitely leaving with gained weighed and a happy heart.
So, now about the volcano. Do not worry everyone, we are completely safe from it. The Schrocks did see smoke coming from it when we were driving home from the airport. However, the airport is closed and a question mark as to when it will open up. Continental has a flight (maybe) going out on Sunday night....but all the airlines are saying, plan on Monday OR Tuesday. SSSSooooo, the building team of 10 is with us for a few more days. Yes, the Iowans and Michigan folks are here a few more days.
Now for the story, now that the dust has settled....even if the ash has not. So we got to the airport in Omaha and plenty of time. We got to the line, and about 45 minutes later, we were ready for the security check point. LONG LINE, about another 45 minutes later, we heard over the intercom, the gate to the Houston flight "if you are not at the gate in 3 minutes, the flight will be leaving without you." We at that point, were 7 Schrocks without shoes on and all of our carry on bags just coming out of the check point. Oh, yeahm we now have to check in at the gate counter too. So Vicki ran with Miya, Em, and AJ, and I had Caleb, and Kira, and got to the gate...but realized Em's backpack was still at the security, so I ran back and snagged AFTER a different guard said she needed to check it again. We made it on, the last people, with 5 kids 7 years of age and under, with EVERYONE looking at us with that "oh great, small kids on the plane" look. 4 of them kids did fine...Miya is lucky we love her, because from Omaha to Houston, we did not like her too much.... :)
We had plenty of time in Houston and that flight went better with all of us taking a nap. Yesterday seems like a blur, but after a good nights rest, we a little back to normal. Oh yeah, we are 1 hour before the Iowa day light savings down here. Blessings for now. Until the next time. Dios Le Bendiga (God Bless You)
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