Sunday, June 22, 2014

Buenas Dias means good morning....

In the process of learning Spanish and learning our roles and places here in Guatemala, we knew the day would come when we would need to learn to push through the home sickness. Both Vicki and I knew what we would face.....we had a hunch what the kids would face.....we just did not know when it would happen.

Having a group here with familiar faces, has been refreshing and fun.  We are gearing up for the second medical clinic day today.  Yet, yesterday it hit for some of the kiddos....."I want to go home".

With some tears and hugs and chats, we tried to express the reality of that home is here for now.  Home is truly where we are together as a family.  The process of over-coming our comforts and schedules will take time, but in the midst of it, it takes time to help someone else get to the place of contentment in Him.

As we minister to and with the beautiful people of Guatemala, we realize that STILL the first and foremost calling we as parents have is to minister to and with our children until they are old enough to soar on their own.  We hold them now as they grow, but they are meant to soar in HIM.  We only hope that we can provide the space for them to discover who they are in Jesus as they grow up.

So until that moment of "okay, we can do this" we sit with them.  This learning will be one that will make us grow stronger and rely more on Him.  It is not our comfort or control of our schedules that will bring us closer to God (in fact, the comforts of life often distract us from His voice), it is total reliance on Him....HE is our home.  This shelter is just temporary.

Side note:  We greatly appreciate your prayers as they are truly felt.  We are getting closer to have a better internet connection here that will allow us to update more often.  We blog when we can!  Blessings to you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that you are held in prayer as your family adjusts to a new HOME. May he grant each of you with comfort, peace and a sense of belonging. Thank you for bringing the love of Christ to others even though it isn't always easy, comfortable or "home". May God bless you all :) Tammy Nieuwsma