Friday, June 6, 2014

Climbing On....

                     Our home for now...Paradise Bound Ministries and Open Doors Children's Home

   We have not updated the blog lately because of sheer busyness.  We are so sorry for that.  We do appreciate the prayers and can feel them.  We as a partial family (oh how we are missing the older three) had a blast hanging on with the Nannies and kids in the Orphanage the other day.  The kid’s personalities really do shine!  Right now they have 12 kids living there, 7 under the age of 5 months!!!!!  We literally have to tell the younger three NOT to go in there all the time.  They all want to go and hold babies and help out. 

   Vicki and Anya (another one of the missionaries) went to Guatemala City to go to Wal-Mart and Price Smart to get a few things for the apartment and food for the first team that comes in on Monday at the same time as the rest of the Tribe arrives.  They were able to pick up Dan Smith (Executive Director of the Ministry) and arrive back at the base at around Midnight.  I was able to have a blast with the younger three as the rain pounded down outside and with out power temporarily.  So…we made a fort out of cardboard boxes, did a talent show, and ate grilled cheese sandwiches.

Our Apartment is the top window and patio door (facing south).  Will send a picture from the East window sometime in the near future too....

We are now down to three days before the first team arrives and we are beginning to get in “prep” mode.  We feel blessed that we had a few days to get the apartment organized as much as we could (until a few more helpful items come to better utilize the space that we have).  I really think that Ikea should come to our apartment and take a few ideas as how to best maximize space! HA

So with this day we go forward.  No major "ahas" to report, no major revelations, just life.  But then again, isn’t that what happens often?  Oswald Chambers writes that "it is on the mountain tops that we see the glory of God, but it is in the journey that we live the Glory of God" (My Utmost for His Highest).  We expect God to show up in the major things of life (good and bad), but how often to our thoughts drift to Him in the mundane?  In the routine or the work of life, we need to learn to walk with Him as we walk each day.  May our hearts, minds, and soul be pointed towards Him each and everyday.  It is easy to praise Him on the mountain tops or even cry out to Him in the valleys of life…the true task is to dwell with Him on the climb!  May you climb well today as you converse with your Creator!  Dios te Bendiga    ~Justin

The playground for ALL the kids at the base...

1 comment:

The Houge's said...

We enjoyed catching up with your "stateside" kids this past week. Lots of good memories were added! Prayers for safe journeys for them as they join you next week are constantly being lifted up. In Christ,