Friday, September 19, 2014

Song of the season....

I have always loved movies and music.  They can thrust you to a world away, or allow you to re-examine your own world.

I used to post a song of the week....a song that spoke to my soul for that time.

A friend of mine (thanks MIKE!) led me to this song.  It is exactly what I needed to hear and echos the longing of my heart.  It helped put words into mi mente y alma.  It allowed me to express, for a second, a hollowed Amen.

It is a great reminder that we need not simply trust Jesus for our future, but for our day to day.
Lord, today's schedule will not allows turn out the way I envision it to go: I will trust you.

Lord, learning a new language, and wanting to learn it well, is hard!: I will trust you.

Lord, after 14 years of youth ministry, a master's degree, and this being the third place...and making the least amount ever with the largest our family has been (#s, not pounds as we have lost a few): I will trust you.

Lord, with everything today and everything tomorrow: I will trust you.

Today, my favorite words in the song were not the ones sung, but the ones that rested within the framework of the bridge: The words of my heart......

May you find yourself LONGING to trust in the one who holds tomorrow in the palm of His hand.  May you be blessed...

Thank you Aaron Keyes for allowing God to speak in and through you...

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