Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Cross of Jesus is everywhere we go...

My title might be different than this post...but look to the bottom of the pictures and you will see what I mean...
Un lugar para Pastores en La Reina...Martes de 30 de Septiembre

Yes....that IS a volcano irrupting a mile and a half away from me...

Imigdio and his wife have lived in Izatapa for about a year and a half.  They are church planters.  The church is small, only about ten families.  The invitation to come and visit him came from when both of us were in Cobán, over 6 hours away.  Imigdio said that I had to come and visit, but I had to bring the family.  Hermano Jesus mentioned that he lived close to the Ocean.  So I proceeded to ask if he could see the Ocean from his village.  His response: “Um…yeah” (in Spanish of course).  What he did not say was the village is literally five blocks away from the Ocean!
When we got to the house, we were greeted with a snack of over ripe corn.  Yet, we were close to the Ocean…the closest cornfield was miles away!  It was the best they had…they bought the corn just for us.  The kitchen had half walls and a dirt floor.  There was no fridge.  The property was maybe a 1/6 of an acre.  We then were offered some eggs and beans and tortillas.  They were very delicious and a typical Guatemalan meal.  It was the best they had….and his wife was not feeling well, yet they served us.
We (my family and Hermano Jesus and Pablo and Anya) went across the way to the church.  Normally they would have a devotional in the afternoon, but moved it to the morning so that all of us could be a part of it.  AJ started off by playing a prelude on the piano.  Now, when I say that this church is simple, I mean it is simple.  The floor is sand, the chairs are plastic lawn chairs, the stage is only half done with cement, and was maybe fifteen feet wide by fifty feet…but it was the best they had.  I was asked to bring a greeting and prayer.  Then after some simple singing, praying, and a message, we were then ready for lunch….two and half hours later.  Our kids did not mind the sand floor as it allowed them to play and build sand castles during church.
Lunch was wonderful.  Grilled fish….the whole fish.  We had to pick the meat off, but it was delicious.  After eating rice, fish, and tortillas, we walked to the beach.  Now, the hospitality did not end there.  Imigdio wanted to make sure we went to a good beach so our kids could swim.  So we hopped into a small boat that took us across the channel and landed at a part of the beach that was a cove.  The water was calm and clean.  The kids played, collected shells, and swam.  Imigdio, his 11 year old daughter, my family, Hermano Jesus, Anya, and Pablo all enjoyed our time together.  Our kids latched onto these new friends quickly.  We were just about done and ready to walk over the hill to look at the Ocean unhindered when a wave knocked down Hermano Jesus.  When he stood up….no glasses!  We quickly went over to him and began to look.  When I say that this man of God is blind without his glasses, it comes across as mild.  We needed to find these glasses.  But where do you start? The waves kept coming.  So, we prayed.  Said our amen and then about 30 seconds later Pablo stepped on the glasses….in the Ocean… the waves.  THAT is the power of prayer!
After a good day we headed home, but ran into some problems with the van overheating.  As it was raining and waited for the steam to stop coming out of the overflow area for the radiator, I thought that I had waited enough time.  I was wrong.  The lid blew off and I quickly found my left arm and my left side covered with very hot water.  I was very grateful that the burns were there and not on my face.  The blisters are looking better and I am slowly improving, each day, having less and less pain.  Some spots were indeed 2nd degree (or whatever they call it now).  But, the hospitality gets better.
The Cross is beside us...
The Cross is always before us...
            Today (Tuesday) I went to a village called La Reina for a gathering of pastors.  There were 17 of us in all.  Imigdio was one of them there.  Today he did not feel good, but he came.  When he saw my arm, he asked what happened.  I began to tell him and immediately he started to pray and ask for healing.  He also said he felt like it was his fault.  I asked why.  He said that he had an unusual feeling when we were leaving, but did not say anything.  He says he wished he had said something.  He felt like God was trying to tell us something and he was not obedient to God.  He felt like he needed to give more.  Give more?  A man who makes VERY little money, spent a weeks worth of pay to feed us (and refused to accept anything) and 

has a deep heart for the Lord, felt like he needed to give more?  Yes, give more.  When we listen to God and He speaks and we do not follow through, we miss it.  All other things fall short.  Yet, I was very grateful for his heart, his hospitality, and what he gave me: a great insight to the heart of God.  A new friend has been made in Guatemala. 

The Cross is always behind us...
And yes, we will visit the Ocean again in Guatemala!

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