Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wisdom comes...

As the rain falls down tonight, creating a symphony all around us I am reminded of what this day was and is: a unique gift from God.

How did you spend your day today? 

I wanted to take a minute to say thank you to the many people that sent e-mails and provided prayers and insight with my call for wisdom in my decision to go to Chiapas, Mexico for the next Timothy Leadership Training.

In response to the plans for tomorrow….

Hermano Jesus, Pablo, Darvin, Guillermo, Miguel, Dan, and myself will leave PBM around 3pm and head to Huehuetenango.  There we will spend the night and then leave early Monday morning for the border.

Once we get across the border (PRAY for smooth paperwork for the Guatemalans…Dan and I should have no problems)….then we will meet Pastor Miguel from Chiapas who will travel with us to Las Margaritas. 

TLT will start around 4pm on Monday and last until Thursday noon.  After the conference we will head back to Huehuetenango for the night and then return to the base around noon.

*We ask for prayers for safety with the travel
*A hedge of protection for the 25 pastors that will be gathering (6 different denominations!)
*For God to give the right words to those teaching
*For the Lord to cover us (the team traveling) with cloud by day and in the night glow of a burning flame!!!...let the traditionalists that have brought problems for Christians in the past, be blinded and blocked from encountering what we feel God leading us to do....

Join us in prayer for what God will continue to do in the Chiapas area…..

Some GREAT missionaries (The Kempers) used to say “Chiapas para Cristo” which means: Chiapas for Christ……

We go with the same heart, but with the motto…”Chiapas con Cristo”…..Chiapas with Christ.

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