So our time in Guatemala City, although only 2 nights, seemed like a week. It was a very nice hotel. One that if it was in the States we would NOT be staying at due to the price...thank goodness for Guatemala. It was nice to spend some time as a family and some time with the Smiths. This was their tradition as a family. They use their Christmas money and go to the "bubble pool hotel". I think Emilee summed it up best though. She was talking to Dan in the pool and said something like, "Dan Smith, when we get back to Guatemala can we...." I find it so funny that the hotel and the mall and the city was SOOOO different to the Guatemala that she came to know for the last 5 weeks. It was good to come back to the base refreshed and eating rice and beans and tortillas again instead of McDs or whatever. A lot of memories were made, but at las, it is time for the 4th group. We picked up Team Hager Park/Hillcrest today and had the worst traffic yet. Bumper to bumper. We are praying that the team will be used by God is mighty ways. It will be interesting to see who the LORD will bring to them. The rest of the day was spent getting things ready for the week: sorting meds, orientation, and me, Justin, helping to unload the 500 pound diesel tank used for the planta (generator). Myself and one of the guards. We did it. This makes the 4th time I had to do that, and I think that I will have about 2 more times. I chuckle because it has been the same guard helping me all the times thus far. The one of the three that does not know ANY English.
The highlight for the big three kids and us were that tonight for the first time this summer, lightning bugs came out. It brought back memories of the summers in Iowa. Thanks LORD, we needed that tonight. The family is doing well. Caleb has a sore tooth, Kira is getting teeth, and the rest is well. We will try our best to upload some pictures when we get a chance AND the internet is working again....they do not always line up:) Blessings to you all and the Spanish word for the day is: Bolsa = Bag or sack.
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