If you are courious how it turned out look at the photos.
I made a traditional meal of Hamburgers, corn, fries, and strawberries. Not what you think when I said traditional? Well, I haven't quit mastered the whole bean preperation process. Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be able to come back home and make some traditional beans and rice (with the help of a rice maker :).
I also have some photos of the celbration that we went to with our family a few weeks back. Feast your eyes on this!
Emilee and Ruth, best of friends. She will always have a special place in our hearts!
AJ adores all of the beautiful children. She is holding every baby she can get her hands on and can not wait to come back when the orphanage is open and full of babies.
We pray these photos find each of you reflecting on the blessings that are staring you in the face. A day doesn't go by that God doesn't give you a blessing. Sometimes we are too dense to see them when the best gifts are staring us in the face. Open your eyes today!
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